Monday, November 17, 2008

Living a Life Preparing for Death

Our neighbor three doors down fell down a set of steps on Saturday. She died yesterday. Several years ago, in a different neighborhood, our next door neighbors were in a fatal car accident. He died immediately; she went into a 5 year long coma that ended in her death. All of these people were 'young'. When the reality of death literally hits so close to home, it makes me ponder the fact that we need to be getting ready for our own death. You just never know when your number is up.

Death is the intruder. Death is not natural. Sin and death are the invaders. But nonetheless, death is a fact and reality. Should we ignore death? Should we ignore the afterlife and pretend it doesn't exist? Many people do. As Christians, we need to prepare. I don't mean getting the plot paid for and the will ready... although those things are important. We need to leave a godly legacy for our children. We need to study God. We need to study His one and only Son. We need to cultivate that relationship with our Father and our Savior... we're going to be face to face with them in a blink of an eye (life is a vapor you know). So we need to prepare to see them.
Am I ready?
Are you ready?

1 comment:

Mission St. Vincent said...

Good thoughts! Something we should consider more often. Much more often.