Thursday, August 21, 2008

Marks of a True Believer

Who is a true Christian? Many people make the claim, but as the saying goes, not everyone who is talking about heaven is going there. William Hendrickson remarks that "the kingdom is not for weaklings, waverers, or compromisers. It is not won by deferred prayers, unfulfilled promises, broken resolutions and hesitant testimonies. It is for strong and sturdy men, like Joseph, Nathan, Elijah, Daniel, Mordecai, Peter, Steven and Paul… and valiant women like Ruth, Deborah, Esther and Lydia." What does he mean?

He means the same thing that Jesus meant when he commanded us to enter through the narrow gate. In Luke 13:24, it says to ‘strive’. In the Greek it is 'agonizomai - from where we
get our word ‘agony’. It requires conscious, purposeful, intense effort. It is not a cheap, easy
way. You come to Christ mourning over your sin, hungering and thirsting for righteousness,
wanting the kingdom at any cost.

Who is a true Christian? How about those people in Matthew 7:21-23, who cried out "Lord, Lord, didn't we do this and that and the other..." These people THOUGHT they knew Christ, but they were sadly mistaken. Jesus told them to depart from him and then called them workers of iniquity. Do you really know Christ? How do you know? What are the marks of a true believer?

Here are several indications that someone is a Christian. Please be clear however... these are indicators that show the world that you are a Christian, but these in and of themselves do not make you a Christian. A person is only a Christian because of the shed blood on the cross that purchased their forgiveness. A person who has not accepted Christ as their Lord CANNOT lay claim to being a Christian no matter how many of these things are true.

1). Recognizes his own weaknesses apart from Christ (Matt 5:3). (be aware... you can still recognize personal weakness and still not have surrendered your life to Christ)
2). A genuine love of and zeal for the Word of God. This is God’s communication to you. It is your bread, your food (Matt 4:4). How do you claim to be a Christian if you don’t study it/ read it/ meditate on it/ share it??
3). Total devotion to prayer. This is your communication back to God. John Bunyan would say that ‘if you don’t pray, you are not a Christian’. Praying is the normal response of someone who is forgiven.
4). Genuine love for the people of God and the things of God. Do you run to Christian fellowship and/or bible studies or don’t you have time for this? Is church exciting for you or is it a drag? Do God’s people spur you on to love and good deeds or do God’s people bore you.
5). Joyful service. Psalm 100:2 – serve the Lord with gladness. Do we like to serve or be served? Do we take every opportunity to help someone else?

There may be other marks of a true believer, but these may help gauge where we are in our relationship to the Creator and Redeemer.

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