The term ‘fool’ is defined in a variety of ways in Proverbs. The simple, the fool and the scoffer.
The Simple. This is the person who is lazy in thought. He is mentally naive. He is irresponsible, gullible and silly. He has an indifferent self-sufficiency about himself.
Proverbs 14:15 says ‘The naive believes everything, but the prudent man considers his steps’. This verse is the perfect contrast between the gullible and the discerning person. Proverbs 15:21 says ‘Folly is joy to him who lacks sense’. Naivety is FUN to the simple.
The classic ‘simple’ one is found in Proverbs 7, where the harlot is looking out her window and sees the ‘naive’ youth - a young man lacking sense. By the end of the chapter an arrow has pierced through his liver. The example shows us the serious and perilous condition in which the simple person tragically finds himself. A ‘simple’ (gullible, lazy, irresponsible) person could be changed from his foolish condition if he pays heed to instruction and turns from his willful laziness. (Proverbs 14:18 - the prudent are crowned with knowledge) But often, a ‘simple’ person remains in his foolish condition because he prefers to reject discipline and wisdom. They remain that way if they don’t develop discernment (Proverbs 22:3 - The prudent sees the evil and hides himself, but the naive go on, and are punished for it). More on the 'fool' and the 'scoffer' in future posts.
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