I ran into the store to buy a drink and as I received my change and a napkin, I noticed a rack full of pornography behind the counter. Interestingly, on that particular morning, I had read Psalm 7:11, and it occurred to me that God DID have indignation toward the people responsible for distributing this poison and contributing to the blight on society. There was a printed note on my napkin that stated if I was in any way unsatisfied with my visit to 7-Eleven to call the number listed. So... I did.
I politely told the person on the other end of phone that I was done shopping at 7-Eleven until I knew that they were done selling pornography. That person showed me that they had their own form of indignation and they became immediately agitated at me for being so bold as to call them on the carpet. Their response concluded with, 'we are a company that provides goods to ALL people, not just a few'. And then the call abruptly ended.
I wonder who the 'ALL' of that statement included, because it certainly didn't include me anymore, and probably countless other Christians would not shop there if they knew they peddled this kind of sewage. I wonder what would happen if I tried to sell some Bibles out of their store? Or how about even GIVE them away in their store or in the parking lot? Wonder how much 'indignation' that would generate?
The wonderful flip side of Psalm 7:11 is Psalm 11:7 - "For the Lord is righteous; He loves righteousness; the upright will behold His face". After considering the gravity of Psalm 7:11, I am really thankful for Psalm 11:7... Those who walk uprightly will what??! Behold His face??! If we didn't have enough incentive to live right because of God's indignation, certainly 'beholding His face' would be enough.
Praise the God of indignation.
Praise the God of righteousness.
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