Almighty God,
As I cross the threshold of this day
I commit myself, soul, body,
affairs, friends, to thy care;
Watch over, keep, guide, direct, sanctify, bless me.
I commit myself, soul, body,
affairs, friends, to thy care;
Watch over, keep, guide, direct, sanctify, bless me.
Incline my heart to thy ways;
Mould me wholly into the image of Jesus, as a potter forms clay;
May my lips be a well-tuned harp
to sound thy praise;
Mould me wholly into the image of Jesus, as a potter forms clay;
May my lips be a well-tuned harp
to sound thy praise;
Let those around see me living by thy Spirit,
Trampling the world underfoot,
Unconformed to lying vanities,
Transformed by a renewed mind,
Clad in the entire armour of God,
Shining as a never-dimmed light,
Showing holiness in all my doings.
Trampling the world underfoot,
Unconformed to lying vanities,
Transformed by a renewed mind,
Clad in the entire armour of God,
Shining as a never-dimmed light,
Showing holiness in all my doings.
Let no evil this day soil my thoughts, words, hands.
May I travel miry paths with a life pure from spot or stain.
Order this day all my communications
According to thy wisdom,
And to the gain of mutual good.
May I speak each word as if my last word,
And walk each step as my final one.
If my life should end today,
Let this be my best day.
May I travel miry paths with a life pure from spot or stain.
Order this day all my communications
According to thy wisdom,
And to the gain of mutual good.
May I speak each word as if my last word,
And walk each step as my final one.
If my life should end today,
Let this be my best day.
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