Don't get me wrong, I am all about being a good steward of the place God has given me and my children to live in. I don't want them drinking bad water or throwing their McDonald's wrappers out the car window. But how arrogant are we, that we think WE are causing 'global warming'? We've taken climate change away from the Maker of climates. The One who makes the sun come up in the morning no longer has control over the temperature of the sun, or of the earth? Are you kidding me? I think if anyone is going to save the planet, it certainly isn't going to be you, me, Al Gore or Kermit the Frog (it's not easy being green!).

Instead of being caught up in another fad that really has no scientific basis, I would suggest that we catch a passion for something with more substance. We know from real science and modern technology when life really begins and its about time we start saving babies. You want to 'go green'? Let's put the gazzillion-dollar abortion industry out of business. How do we do that? Learn the truth about abortion. Learn the truth about Roe v. Wade. Learn the truth about the devastating effects of murdering the unborn. And then do not be shy about spreading the truth about it. Our country's future is at stake here. No, our planet's future is at stake.
For more information on abortion and PRO-LIFE issues, see the following websites:
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