Consider these following facts:
1). The fact that the earth is spherical.
Isaiah 40:22 - While it is true that a few Greek philosophers did postulate this as early as 540 b.c., the common man held the earth to be flat until the introduction of the compass and the fifteenth-century voyages of Columbus and Magellan.
2). The fact that the earth is suspended in space.
Job 26:7 - this was not known by the scientists of the world until the writings of Sir Isaac Newton in a.d. 1687.
3). The fact that the stars are innumerable.
Genesis 15:5 - As late as a.d. 150 the famous astronomer Ptolemy dogmatically declared the number of the
stars to be exactly 1056. Today scientists tell us there are probably as many stars in the heavens as there are grains of sand on all the sea shores of the world. (see also Genesis 13:16).
4). The fact that there are mountains and canyons in the sea.
2 Samuel 22:16, Jonah 2:6 - As recently as a century ago, the ocean’s volume and size was viewed as a watery bowl, which sloped from the coastline gently downward toward the middle, where it was deepest. It then was thought to proceed upward to the other side. The Marianas Trench, near the Philippines; is over 7 miles deep.
5). The fact that there are springs and fountains in the sea.
Genesis 7:11; 8:2; Proverbs 8:28 - Shortly after World War II, research ships discovered many underwater volcanoes. The number is estimated today to be at least 10,000. U.S. Geological Survey research has shown the present rate of water increase from underwater volcanic outlets to be 430 million tons each year.
6). The fact of the hydrological cycle.
Job 26:8; 36:27-28; 37:16; Psalm 135:7; Ecclessiastes 1:6-7 - This would include precipitation, evaporation, cloud construction, movements of moisture by wind circuits, etc.
7). The fact that all living things are reproduced after their own kind.
Genesis 1:21; 6:19 – For hundreds of years scientists followed the spontaneous generation theory of Aristotle (350 b.c.). They believed eggs of all lower animals (insects, etc.) were formed out of rotting substance. Frogs and other small sea life, they thought, had their origin in slime pools. In fact, it was not until 1862 that Louis Pasteur proved once for all that there was no such thing as spontaneous generation. Then, in 1865, a monk named Johann Mendel demonstrated even more forcibly the rigid laws of heredity.
8). The facts concerning the human bloodstream.
Leviticus 17:11 - Many scientists (Herophilos, for example, a physician in the medical museum at Alexandria, Egypt) believed blood to be a carrier of disease instead of life. ‘Bloodletting’ was the cause of many deaths from the fourth century BC until the nineteenth century AD.
These facts reveal one thing: science will ALWAYS bow the knee to God's Word. Sometimes we get it backwards - trying to retrofit the Bible into what we believe 'science' is telling us. When we do that, we have abandoned a high view of Scripture. Yes, 'science' can be valuable, but not at the expense of the truth. Knowing what the bible says regarding these types of things helps us to regain and maintain our highest regard for the Word AND renews our confidence that it really is God's inspired Word to us.
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