1). Reading is actually very enjoying and is a great stress reliever.
2). Reading other people’s view of things often makes me look at things from a different angle – a new approach that I had maybe never considered.
3). Reading is one good way to ‘renew my mind’ (Romans 12:1-2). Most of the things I read are about theology, so this kind of material is good in stretching and renewing my mind – causing me to contemplate that which is good and noble.
4). Reading is part of God’s command to ‘study to show ourselves approved unto God’ (2 Timothy 2:15). Of course studying the Bible itself is of the utmost priority.
These are some small tips that helped me to cultivate a regular habit of reading.
1). Be diligent. If you read just 3 pages per day, you can read over 1000 pages in one year. That is three good-sized books. Imagine if you read 10 pages per day.
2). Read to understand, not just to get through the exercise.
3). Pick material that interests you and subject matters that you can follow. It’s healthy to read books that have very challenging concepts in them, but if the topics are too deep, don’t get discouraged or give up - move on to something that is more your speed.
4). Choose authors that are reputable. Reading someone's wrong thoughts about theology is poisonous.
5). Don't be distracted and/or consumed by the television, the telephone or the internet.
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