This is a pretty strange passage at first glance (no pun intended). What in the world does this phrase 'if your eye is clear' mean?
I've been studying a little about William Tyndale. He lived in the early 1500's and his goal in life, his single devotion, his reason for living and dying could be summed up in his burning passion and desire to translate the Bible from the original language of Greek and Hebrew into an ordinary English version available for anyone and everyone to read and understand. We owe Tyndale a debt of gratitude. He gave up his life for this single-minded devotion.
We could say that Tyndale's 'eye was clear'. This is what the phrase means: singleness of mind, clear focus, intent on one purpose. The eye is an illustration of the heart - the heart is the eye of the soul. J.C. Ryle made the following comment that fits well with this passage that we find in the Sermon on the Mount: "Singleness of purpose is one great secret of spiritual prosperity".
We are a fragmented people. Ours is a culture of rushing everywhere to do everything. Consequently, we excel at nothing. Christians are the worst of all people when it comes to having single-minded devotion to Christ. We have lost the simplicity of knowing Christ because piled on top of work and family commitments, we have a million church activities to keep us busy. I am not against church activities, but when they interrupt our 'singleness of purpose', then there is a serious problem.
God, let my eyes be clear. Rid my life of all activities that come between me and you.
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