The hand clenching the weapon is from the three soldiers keeping watch over the Vietnam War Memorial Wall.
One hand in the relaxed position is at the right side of Thomas Jefferson - third President of the United States and the writer (and a signer) of the the Declaration of Independence.
The other two pictures of hands are from the Iwo Jima Monument located next to Arlington National Cemetery. The monument was erected in honor of the brave soldiers who conquered Mount Suribachi on the strategic island of Iwo Jima in the Pacific Ocean in WWII. The group of hands belong to Mike Strank, Rene Gagnon, John Bradley and/or Franklin Sousley. Harlon Block was the soldier with his hands at the base of the pole, so he is not in this picture.
The set of hands that can't quite reach the flag pole belong to Ira Hayes. In the book, Flags of our Fathers, the author James Bradley (son of one of the flag raisers) mentions that this was Ira, different, apart from the rest, unable to grasp the pole just as he was unable later to get his hands around his life. Ira died after the Iwo Jima Monument was erected and dedicated. He was found face down in a ditch where the cause of death was listed as hypothermia and too much alcohol. Ira Hayes is buried in Arlington. Ira Hayes is an American hero, regardless of the circumstances surrounding his death.
We should pause for a moment and thank God for all of these people for their valuable contributions to America.
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