Monday, June 23, 2008

The Thin Veil

There is a thin veil between life and death. Any one of us is one heartbeat away from plunging into eternity. It could be a heart attack. It could be a murder. It could be a car accident.

Yesterday, on the way to lunch after church, by the grace of God and a Starsky-and-Hutch-style steering maneuver, I was spared from plunging into eternity. Rounding a bend on a very curvy road on the way to the restaurant, my wife, my daughter and myself were quickly met head on by another driver. He was in our lane rounding the bend and with his head down. I assumed dialing the cell phone was more important than the lives of those of us who were approaching in our own lane.

I only had time to yell, 'what is this guy doing!' He looked up at the last second and with his eyes as big as saucers, he swerved to one side, I swerved to the other. On any other part of that narrow road we would have either rolled up one side of an embankment, or plummetted to our demise into the valley below. But instead of my family planning my funeral today, providentially there was a gravel pull-off or driveway of some sort, and just like the Dukes of Hazzard (only in a blue minivan), we did a major powerslide in the gravel that would have made Bo, Luke and Uncle Jesse proud. We missed the other car by millimeters and I was able to get back up on the road... all in a beat of my heart. We were thankful. We could have all been killed and left two sons behind - they were safe in their grandparents car.

Somehow the flowers were more beautiful today. Somehow the rain and thunder was more welcomed. Somehow my job didn't seem like such a drag today. Somehow it didn't seem like the kids were fighting as much. Somehow the dog didn't seem to bark as much. It's strange how an incedent like this can make a person appreciate things a little more.

None of us is guaranteed tomorrow. I almost found that out yesterday.

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