I've been a little busy lately. I make a habit out of not being busy - just because everyone else is. But this week there have just been too many things, none of which are meaningless or empty. I do my best to redeem the time and don't really have an interest in doing frivolous, waste-of-time kind of things. That kind of lifestyle has freed me to do the things I love to do: spend time with my family and study.
But this week I haven't had much time to study. I've studied and read my Bible, but not like I am used to doing. I've been busy helping someone on a building project the last few days, and it is consuming my time. I am glad to be able to help, because that is part of Christian service.
Ironically, I am in the section in the Gospel of John about Mary and Martha. You know the story - Mary is annointing the feet of Jesus and wiping them with her hair. It's a lovely scene of worship! And then there is Martha, busy about her chores. Distracted and pulled away from the 'one thing' she should be doing.
Sometimes I feel like Martha gets a bad rap. It seems like she is doing what any woman who is gifted in serving would do. We are called to serve, are we not? I can imagine my wife would be tidying up the house and putting some food on a plate and making sure everything is just right if the King of Kings showed up at our house. Isn't that what Martha was doing?
I am not sure I've learned the point of this account in the Bible yet, but I see in the parallel passage in Luke 10 that Martha was distracted. She was worrying and bothered. It must have been the anxiety of performance that was so wrong and not the service itself. This explanation fits so well with the gospel message - because so many people thing they can perform, and then God will smile upon them. No... no performance is good enough. Mary seemed to understand that, and was enraptured by the simplicity of worshiping Jesus.
1 comment:
Interesting post, I have been in a place where I chewing upon the call to carry my cross. The application of this; is it just the aspects of killing the sin in my life, mortifying the deeds of the body, crucifying my flesh, being conformed to the image of Christ in his death. Is the call to suffering a mere spirituallization of the war that all must fight in his flesh as the flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh.
Ah the call to service, as to imitate the apostle Paul in his diligent love for and perseverance in Christ. Must I dive myself to be as he was in 2nd Corinthians 11:24-28 or rather not drive myself, no, but be constrained by the love of Christ, having my mere food to be the will of my Father. Or is this the apostolic call only? Or so I say in my heart, questioning; concerning health? I mean my body, my mind, my Spirit doesn't work unless it has a balanced diet, good sleep and much prayer and meditation! Is my call to destroy my body like that of Paul who as he would rise in the latter years of his life had to wait for the scar tissue to loosen upon his back. Or that of Spurgeon who worked 18 hrs a day doing the work of 3 men, dying as a young man. And lets not forget Wilberforce who fought for years in parliament for the slave trade and the day he won kealed over and died, he worked himself to death!
As we all know there are many more who have felt the sting of an earthly body as it will not allow for what the love for Christ calls it to do.
What is the answer? What is the call? As I have been questioning in my heart, for I have been focusing on study, upon worshiping God in his creation; walks in the woods, writing psalms, meditating upon the Trinity. And oh the depth and riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God. Truly what a blessing it is to worship him in silence, alone without a pressing schedule.
Upon observing someone in my life I look up to who has suffered the consequences of ravaging their body for the work of Christ I am convicted of my present leisure of worship of God. Should I be? Should I let that shake me? Am I really being selfish? These questions I have no answer for, and know that any motive I have whichever way I go is wrong!
But I have to look a the word and see the examples and wonder...is my need for 6-7 hours of sleep really a need or lack of faith? Is my desire to eat healthy a positive one or do I rather need to commit myself to fasting? Is my desire to study and pray while my time with the body of Christ is cut short one which I should act upon?
Ah but then I come to Mark Ort blog and read the blessed story of our Lord, Mary and Martha. What an interesting story! What does it mean, was Martha missing something, was Mary being selfish? Questions that hold the answers!
Balance...where the two parts of the cross meet is a Man of perfect balance dying to give it to those who have no hope of finding it. For I feel as if I am a babe wandering in the darkness trying to understand quantum mechanics, hopeless. It must be given, for I cannot attain it. The answers to the questions lay in the Person of Christ, in the love for Him. How far will that drive me?
Simon Marcus
John 3:30
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