Dear Bush Haters;
What makes you so bitter?
The fact that you’re reading this is evidence enough that you haven’t been murdered by a terrorist in the last seven years. OK, so the border we share with Mexico needs a fence and we need more security there, but call your do-nothing congressman – don’t blame Bush. You were all on Bush’s side on September 12, 2001. Who changed? Did Bush ever give up his resolve to go after anyone that intended to harm you?
So you think the so-called bad economy is Bush’s fault too? Are you better off than you were eight years ago? Of course you are! You’re driving a newer and better vehicle than you were at Y2K. You have more electronic gadgets than you can shake a stick at. Who even heard of an iPod eight years ago? You’ve probably gone through four or five cell phone plans, you’re still buying internet access, going on vacation and have 500 channels on your TV. Your economy must not be doing too poorly. Oh, your stocks and 401K’s aren’t doing too well? Don’t blame Bush. You don’t have anyone else to blame but yourself. Pick better stocks. Pick a better broker. Better yet, invest in something that has guaranteed returns, like time with your family, reading books, studying your Bible, sending money to a missionary - but don’t blame Bush.
We look bad in the eyes of the rest of the world because of the Bush policies? Who cares. Do you think the world might be a little jealous of our prosperity? I don’t care what France, Germany, Spain or Timbuktu thinks about the U.S.A. They didn’t have hijacked airplanes flying into their buildings and killing their comrades.
Is George Bush perfect? Not by any means, but he is not deserving of all the crap he gets from you either. I’ll say it: you are unpatriotic. United we stand, divided we fall. People like you make our whole country look bad.
So, why is it that you’re so bitter again? Is it just that you’re not content with anything? Is it that you just like to complain? Don’t you like living in the safest, richest, freest, most beautiful country on the planet?
Have you ever considered praying for your president? Maybe all the energy you spend in bashing would be better spent on your knees praying for God to give him wisdom and strength and courage. Maybe all the backbiting could be replaced with kind, strong, proud-to-be-American words. Maybe you could get off the couch and turn off your favorite liberal CNN and MTV friends and volunteer in your community, get involved in church, or run for political office yourself. (Well, better not run for office. You might see it’s harder than you think – ask Sarah Palin).
So, why are you bitter? Maybe because you’re just not thankful for any of the blessings of freedom and stability that God has bestowed upon you.
I know why you hate him so badly. Because George Bush is clearly to blame for everything… wars, hurricanes, gas prices, backaches, dog bites – even your own raunchy attitudes.
Voted for Bush twice and would proudly vote for him again if I could,
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