We spent a great family Labor Day weekend together at Hershey Park and also celebrating my sister’s fortieth birthday party. Still recovering.
School is back in session. The Fall quarter of Sunday School begins this week. That means homework and Sunday School lesson preparation take the priority over blogging. I’ll be preparing lessons on 1 Timothy, so I hope to share some of that here as time permits.
I think Sarah Palin adds much to the McCain ticket. God sets up leaders and God brings them down. It will be interesting to see who He sets up in November.
The more I know, the more I know I don’t know. Know what I mean? Growing in holiness is a painful process because it exposes all my weak points.
To meet a mandatory requirement, I was drug and alcohol tested today at work. It’s a sad state of affairs that this needs to be done at all. I understand the reasons, but what ever happened to the days where people went to work and actually worked… sober. Maybe those days never existed and I am naïve. (I passed the test, by the way).
Piper’s website gave me something to think about: Abortion is about God. The argument is always about the right of women to choose versus the right to life, and God is always left out of the equation. Abortion is interrupting the creative act of God in forming a human being after His own image. It is quite the dangerous slap in the face of God. When are we going to be slapped back in judgment??? It’s a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
God’s mercies are new every morning. I can’t wait until tomorrow morning to see what kind of mercies I’ll get to experience then.
Great is Thy Faithfulness,
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