Monday, September 15, 2008

Whose Child Are You?

Some people think my boys resemble me very much. I see the resemblance of course. They even act like me sometimes. That can be good... and it can be bad too. I hope they only inherit the good traits and leave the bad ones behind.

We had a very vivid and effective word picture presented to us in church yesterday. Several moms, several dads were called up to the front along with their daughters or sons. The speaker was showing us the resemblance of the child to his or her parent. Immediately we all simultaneously knew what path the pastor was headed. He proceeded to give us 4 traits of resemblance in relation to the Christian and their Heavenly Father.
1). Relationship implies OBEDIENCE. Matthew 12:46-50 - Doing the will of the Father... "If the Bible says it, I obey it".
2). Relationship implies RIGHTEOUSNESS. Matthew 13:24-30;36-43. If you want to resemble the Father, you must practice deeds and attitudes that are righteous. What are these? Joy, meekness, patience, friendliness, integrity, honesty, service, etc...
3). Relationship implies RECONCILIATION. Matthew 6:14-15. God in essence says 'if you're going to be related to me, then hurt and offense needs to be dealt with by reconciliation. Go and make it right. No Christian has the right to hold a grudge. Forgive and forget! Grudges are absolutely sinful and we will never grow in our spiritual lives by holding onto past wrongs...
4). Relations implies COMPASSION. Matthew 5:48. An odd verse for this point. But being perfect means 'intrinsically good'. God is nothing but intrinsically good and unblamable. As a result, He is full of compassion - and we are to be like that. We are to strive to be compassionate, as our Father is compassionate.

If we are practicing these things, no one will mistake us for whose child we are.


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