Friday, January 2, 2009

Is the Word Alive???

For Christmas, a great friend of mine gave me a CD. On this particular CD, the weak candy lyrics that so much characterizes contemporary Christian music these days were left behind. A couple paragraphs go like this:

The Word is alive
And it cuts like a sword through the darkness
With a message of life to the hopeless and afraid
Breathing life into all who believe

The Word is alive
And the world and its glories will fade
But His truth it will not pass away
It remains yesterday and forever the same
The Word is alive

And so I asked myself - Is the Word REALLY alive? Does it REALLY cut the darkness like a sword? Does it REALLY have a message? A message of life? Does it REALLY remain? Is it REALLY alive? If the answer to any of these questions is 'NO', then we may as well continue the way we are... cold, calloused and indifferent to those who go about us every day. If the answer to any of these questions is 'YES', then how can we continue to be ashamed to share the life-giving truth that we claim it contains.

For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. - Hebrews 4:12-13

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