Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Open Letter to the President

Dear Mr. President;

I did not vote for you. I disagree strongly with you on many fronts. However, that does not mean you aren't MY president. You are just as much MY president as you are some liberal whacko from California or New York, and I will learn to respect that fact. You are not just the president of those who voted for you, but you are also the president of those who didn't. You represent 'all of us' here in the United States, including me. Whether you like it or not, you also are the president of those who will be born tomorrow, next week and next month. Like I said, you are the president of ALL of us that live in this country and that includes those in the womb right now.

Unfortunately, you have taken a position against those in the womb. I ask, how can you claim to be the president of 'all of us' and yet actively seek to promote extinguishing the lives of 'some of us'? You are in a perilous position if you expect to stand before God someday to offer an explanation as to why you took such a position. I would not want to be you when God asks you why you didn't defend the lives of innocent children. The very hand you use to sign into law the radical views you have on abortion will be stained with the blood of countless babies. I ask you to reconsider your position on 'life' as it relates to the pre-born.

If your daughters 'made a mistake' and got pregnant, I would have a hard time knowing how you'd label your grandchildren as 'punishment', as you stated in the campaign. Children, according to the Bible, are a blessing not a punishment. That may come as a surprise to you, but you should already know that, you have two beautiful children! In practice, you are pro-life - at least with your own family. Quit hiding behind the woman's choice argument. Don't cave in to the political pro-abortion pressure. Be a real man... no, be a real human... and use your office to protect our little babies.

Your conservative, pro-life, pro-family constituent,

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