Friday, January 16, 2009

The Real Miracle on the Hudson

Amazing drama unfolded yesterday in New York, in what is being called 'The Miracle on the Hudson'. Bravery, heroism, sacrifice... There are stories yet to be told of the rescue of all the passengers on that flight. It really was nothing short of miraculous that no one died in this crash.

Not to take anything away from the efforts in the rescue, but this event is a graphic illustration of what takes place every day. We just don't necessarily 'see' it and it isn't sensationalized. Every day, people are plunging headlong toward sure destruction, just like those people on the plane. Only the saving power of Jesus Christ through his shed blood on the cross makes it possible for ANYONE to live another day. And only the saving power of Jesus Christ delivers people from their ultimate destruction in an eternal, conscience punishment in a literal hell.

Those 155 people woke up today, alive. They are doing interviews and playing with their kids and will return to work... There was no tragedy here. This was no 'accident' - this was a miracle. God, for some reason, let them live another day. It was not their time to slip into eternity. For those who witnessed or were involved in this event: if they lived another day and didn't see God's hand of grace, THEY have experienced the real tragedy, and THEY missed the real miracle.

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