Saturday, December 20, 2008

God and Mankind Reconciled?

A few years ago at Christmastime I was flipping through the channels as I was getting ready for church. There was the heretic Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral in all its 'glory' being displayed for all to stand in awe and wonder. But I hesitated to continue through the channel surfing... they were playing Christmas music. I thought to myself, "you really can't mess up a Christmas song", so I left it on and turned it up as I finished getting ready. Let it be known: you CAN mess up a Christmas song. If you are against calling someone a 'sinner' like the Bible-twisters at Crystal Cathedral, you can, and will change the lyrics to fit your damnable heresies. How can you call someone a sinner and still have them maintain their precious self-esteem?

The great hymn 'Hark! The Herald Angels Sing' was the next carol in the program, and I about vomited when I heard the choir sing, 'God and MANKIND reconciled'. When I was growing up, that song always said, 'God and SINNERS reconciled'. Sinners. SINNERS! What in the world was the purpose of Christ coming to earth anyway if it wasn't to save wretched SINNERS?! And so we have an entire movement that is afraid to use the word, and so they re-write the song to fit their goofy theology. Watch out Frosty and Rudolph. Your songs are probably next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am weith you. In my work as a minister--I wonder about Schuller?--I have experiened the benefits of those sinners who themselves experienced reconciliation. It wouldn't have happened wtut the classic news! Somehow else thye had gotten the message, wnd were !!!reconciled!!!