Friday, December 12, 2008

Walking Away From the Truth?

A couple days ago I heard of a pretty well-known Christian music artist who left his wife and 'came out of the closet'. Nothing surprises me anymore. How does someone get to the place where he has spent his whole life writing and singing profound songs of faith and then announces he's gay. He's a gay Christian! (according to his own description of himself). Is this hypocrisy to the highest extent? Or is this just the sin he's got to deal with in his life. After all, don't we all have something we're dealing with?

Lest anyone think I am a homophobe, let me be clear. I know homosexual people. Some of them have been, and are friends of mine. I don't hate them. I care about them. I just don't agree with their lifestyle. I know at least one person who was miraculously delivered from that destructive life of sin and got married to a beautiful Christian woman and he is now a father of a pretty little girl.

But this is the problem I have with this whole deal: Yes, Christians stumble. We're sinners! But when someone makes a choice to ignore God's Word and enter into a habitual lifestyle and practice of sin, then I have got to question whether they are saved at all. My Bible tells me that God 'hates those who practice iniquity' (Psalm 5:5). Did this man throw in the towel? Did he decide to quit the battle? Did he give up fighting the good fight? Did he decide perseverance was not for him? Was his sexual urges more important to him than God's commands?

Who am I to cast stones? Who am I to judge? There are no stones being thrown here. There is no final judgment call coming from this blogger. I will only hasten make mention that God's Word does not equivocate on the issue of homosexuality. God calls it a sin... and He hates those who practice sin. Just the same as someone practicing adultery, hatred, stealing or lying.

The issue is self-control. It is a fruit of the Spirit, you know. We shouldn't be practicing murder because we have self-control. We shouldn't be practicing rape or incest, because we have self-control. We shouldn't gorge ourselves with a dozen donuts or drink a keg of beer because... say it all together now kids... we have self-control. Self-control is evidence that we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. A lack of self-control - in any area of our lives - may not indicate that we are not Christians, but it should make us question where we really are. A lack of self-control is a serious character flaw, and I might suggest that it could be eternally fatal. Someone who claims to be a Christian who cannot control their sexual urges had better do some serious soul searching and self examination. They might be deluded.

I obviously don't know where this man stands in regard to his self-proclaimed relation with his creator. But I do know that his experiences do not validate whether the Word of God is true or not. God's Word stands no matter what - and according to this Word, this man is in sin and needs to repent. He is in a dangerous position, appearing to have walked away from the truth. God forbid that I would ever walk away from the truth. The older I get, the more I see it all around me. And it scares me to death.

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