Thursday, June 12, 2008

Learning to Pray

Prayer is one of those spiritual disciplines that I am constantly working on. Praying is not easy – in fact, it is hard work. The forces of evil are obviously opposed to the fervent prayer of a righteous man - and so it is a battle. I want to grow in prayer. I want to learn. Not so I can be the person who ‘prays the best’, but so that I can be something like the person of Paul who said simply, ‘that I may know Him’.

There are several ways to learn how to pray better:
1). Learn to pray by praying. On the job experience is one of the best teachers.
2). Learn to pray by hearing others pray. We can learn a lot just by being around those who have a deep and meaningful relationship with God in their prayer lives. And so their example is valuable.
3). Learn to pray by reading the prayers of other Godly men. A good example of this is ‘The Valley of Vision’, which is a collection of Puritan prayers.
4). Learn to pray by studying the great prayers in the Bible. And there are many of them.

In future posts in the next week or so, I would like to share what I am learning by studying the prayers in God’s Word such as Solomon’s prayer in 1 Kings 8, Nehemiah’s prayer in the first chapter of Nehemiah, Daniel’s prayer in Daniel chapter 9, the Disciples Prayer(the Lord’s Prayer) in Matthew 6, Mary’s prayer in Luke 1, and possibly others.


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