Yesterday, our local newspaper published an article about this kind of grass that I was so excited about. It's called 'Juncus Effusus'. It actually is from Latin and means, 'ability to be tied together or joined together'. I wondered how this stuff was so hard to get apart from the original plant, and now I know!
I think its healthy for us to take elements of God's creation and use them as parallels as we learn principles from His Word. When I read of this Latin term for this grass, I immediately thought about the early church and how they conducted their 'Christianity'. Acts 2:42 states that these people were "continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to FELLOWSHIP, to the breaking of bread and to prayer". 'Fellowship' in this passage is 'koinonia' in the original Greek, which means 'partnership' or 'sharing'. Juncus Effusus! Tied together. Joined together. United in purpose and thought.
I wonder how many of us Christians are meeting for 'fellowship' just for rigatoni and potato salad in the church basement - OR - are we entering into each other's lives by partnering with them and sharing the same mind?