Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Choose Life

I spent part of my day today at a Hillary Clinton rally. If you think I was there to support Hillary for President, well… you’re wrong! I can’t think of much that she stands for that I would support, but it was an interesting experience for a staunch conservative to be in this crowd. You could say that I was in the minority.
Her and I would disagree on much, not the least of which is our views on abortion. She says that ‘the potential for life begins at conception’. Please stop the word games already. Potential? Until he or she is brutally murdered with saline solutions or having their bodies torn to pieces with forceps, of course.
Hillary supports the right for a woman to choose whether she will let her pre-born child live or whether she will murder her pre-born child. Are you kidding me? This is still allowed in America in 2008, after all we have learned about prenatal development since Roe v. Wade?

God would be completely justified in obliterating our nation right now after we have allowed these atrocities to go on for so long. In fact, we are already under the wrath of God (Romans 1:18-32), and every day that we don’t experience His fury over this issue is one more day that we have a chance to repent and do the right thing.
Hillary, the right to ‘choose’ will never include ALL women, until it is extended to pre-born women also. In fact, equal rights for women will never be achieved until ALL pre-born females also have equal rights. Stop your support of infanticide. Stop supporting the murder of the most helpless and innocent among us. Choose life.
Proud to be Pro-Life,

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