Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Great Inheritance

I have often thought that an unexpected inheritance would be a cool thing to receive someday. It might help to pay some bills or buy a few extras. It would be kind of nice!

This morning I found myself reading from Colossians chapter 1, and the Apostle Paul reminded me that I am already qualified to share in an entirely different and infinitely better inheritance! Not jewels, gold or legal tender, but rather an inheritance that is "imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven" for me (1 Peter 1:4). Some other parts of that inheritance I am experiencing already. Colossians 1:13 states matter-of-factly that I have been delivered from the domain of darkness and have been transferred into the kingdom of God's beloved Son. It goes on to say in verse 14, that I have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Is there any worldly inheritance that can do that??!! Any worldly inheritance that I would ever receive might well be squandered on things that will either be broken or in the garage-sale pile in 2 years.

My tremendous responsibility and weighty challenge is not to squander this spiritual inheritance that has been lavished upon me. I think this responsibility and challenge also extends to anyone else that has been delivered from darkness and who is sharing in the inheritance of the saints.

Are we living up to the challenge?

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