Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sin is Lawlessness

No proclamation of the gospel is complete unless it articulates why we need to be saved and what we are being saved from. We are all sinners and we are all stained with the corrupting, defiling, polluting effects of sin. The Bible says that sin is lawlessness (1 John 3:4).

It doesn’t matter if we’ve broken the speed limit, robbed a bank, told a white lie or idolized possessions – we’ve all actively and willingly participated in lawless deeds. We do these lawless deeds because it is in our deceitful and wicked hearts to do so. We inherited this propensity to sin from our first forefather, Adam. There’s no escaping the fact that we all sin.

This is a seriously bad situation we’re in, because Isaiah says in chapter 59 and verse 2, that our iniquities have made a separation between us and our God. And not only that, but our sins have hidden his face from us so that he does not hear! This is not good news to the human race.

But, God loved us, even while we were still enemies! (See Romans 5:6-11) The good news - in the midst of the bad news – is that there is deliverance from the guilt of sin, the power of sin and the pollution of sin. But this deliverance and cleansing is only available to those who renounce their personal sin and sincerely put their faith and trust in the atoning, finished work of Christ - the work He did on the cross as our substitute. Claiming that our so-called good works will earn us a place in heaven is the highest manifestation of disrespect to God, who had His one and only Son killed to bear the wrath and fury that should have been directed towards us.

Oh to grace, how great a debtor,

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