Tuesday, April 22, 2008


The Obama campaign needs ME?!

I am so excited! With the slogan ‘Change We Can Believe In’, I have some ideas of my own that the campaign might be able to use!

Today my home state of Pennsylvania is holding its primary. It’s no secret that the national front-runner in the Democratic Party is no more ‘pro-life’ friendly than his opponent. But he says he is for ‘change’, so maybe my help in his campaign will help him to implement REAL change.

Here are some ideas on real change that I’d like to see coming out of the Obama camp:

1). Change your attitude about the unborn. We need to change from a culture of death to a society that embraces life - especially the lives of innocent babies! Would you view a little boy as any less of a person than a teenager? Would you view a toddler as any less of a person than a boy? Would you view an infant as any less of a person than a toddler? Would you view a 39-week old fetus as any less of a person than a baby that was born two months prematurely? Why is it acceptable to you that women have the right to murder their unborn, unwanted children, but it is not acceptable to murder their unwanted 2-month old infants?

2). Change your definition of Pro-Choice. If we must be a pro-choice society, then the abortion providers MUST give women all the choices and options, rather than being hell-bent on selling only abortions. Keeping the baby would certainly be a good choice. Adoption is a good choice. Killing the innocent is never a good choice. But providing real choice to scared and distraught women puts the murder mills out of business.

Our country is guilty of killing five pre-born babies every two minutes. And we’ve been doing it year after year after year, since Roe v. Wade. That’s pretty sick if you think about it. It’s an abomination. I think its time for ‘change’ from the status quo and stop the senseless homicide. We need some RADICAL changes in our collective thinking and behavior if we’re ever going to have the kind of ‘change we can believe in’.

Does the Obama campaign still need me?

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