Monday, March 30, 2009

Stuck on Stupid

I don't watch much TV. Quite frankly, TV is a waste of time most often, so I'd rather curl up on the couch with a good book to exercise my mind. When I do watch something, it's usually catching up on the news. But even that is fairly limited, because I can't take it all in. The 24-hour news cycle drives me crazy. Once in a while, I will tune into a football game and recently followed the exciting season of my kids favorite team in basketball: the Pitt Panthers. And then, when I am really lazy and in need of a good laugh, I'll watch America's Funniest Home Videos. Now there's a good mindless program to watch when you've just had enough serious stuff - a good place to get away from the stresses of the day, and a few moments away from world events...

Until last night. The premise on this program (I thought) was to award the person who had submitted the funniest video that night. There were plenty of videos that were funny... I mean really funny. You've seen the show, you know what it's about. But last night's winning video was more of a statement of the program's political alliance than it was about awarding $10,000 for a funny video clip. The winning video... are you ready for this? You probably already guessed it... The winners of $10,000 for the funniest video is a 2 or 3 year old child in a high-chair chanting 'Yes We Can' in response to his mom asking him to impersonate his favorite president. Are you kidding me? I was rolling over laughing. My sides are still hurting from the laughter. That had to be the funniest video I had ever seen. NOT.

Can we find something better to watch? Yes we can...

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